Dr. Mark Zupo’s Communication Strategies for Winners

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Hi there, welcome to the biz communication Show. I’m your host Bill Lampton, the business communication guy. Happy to have you with us on video are on the podcast. And once again bringing you great tips and strategies and communication that are sure to boost your business. Today we have a terrific yes as I always guarantee we will on the biz communication show. I’m very happy to introduce Dr. Mark Zupo from the Atlanta metropolitan area. He is a best selling author, accomplished speaker and successful entrepreneur. Dr. Mark Zupo is the founder of the Multiple Streams Mastery program, and the author of more than 23 books on business startup success, personal development, and real estate business coaching. His story spans more than 35 years of experience as a highly successful real estate entrepreneur, commercial pilot, and aerospace engineer. That’s quite a combination where they’re working with startups are multimillion dollar companies, his core values remain the same. And you and I will love these Be kind, be genuine, be generous build relationships, and always put people over profit. So it’s a pleasure to welcome Dr. Mark Zupo. Hello, Mark.

Dr. Mark Zupo
Hi, Bill. Thank you very much for having me. Looking forward to talking today.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Well, it’s something I’ve been looking forward to ever since we scheduled this conversation. Mark, we’re at a time when many people are undergoing very scary setbacks, whether it started with the pandemic, or whether it started with all the new changes that are coming in technology. There are people who are under extreme stress, and they’ve possibly lost a position. Maybe their industry is disappearing. They’ve had personal problems along with that financial setbacks. Now my question to you is, and I know your background, I would like for you to describe for us what happened with you in the year 2006. How desperate and desolate things became for you? And then what communication principles did you apply to build your life back up to the success it is now? And before I Have you answered the question, I’ll quote, Daniel Webster, who said, If I were to lose all of my possessions except one, I would save the power of communication for buy it, I would soon regain all of the rest, which you have done successfully. Talk to us about that year, what your what your challenges were, and the path to overcoming them to become the the business success you are today. Mark.

Dr. Mark Zupo
Thank you for asking bill. You know, the one thing that I learned many years ago, that I could always rely on one or two things myself and change once you accept change, because change is the only constant you can count on once you accept change, and it makes the road much easier to travel. Just prior to 2006 2007 I lost a son in a car accident. My sister’s 16 year old son he was a wonderful kid destined for the US Navy. He wanted to be a pilot was studying hard for that. And unfortunately we lost him in a car accident. And shortly after that my wife of 30 years contracted cancer and unfortunately, she did not survive that. And I spent a year of searching every opportunity every means every physician every possibility to save her. And unfortunately, when she was diagnosed at that point, we knew that she would not survive because there was no treatment and no cure for what she had the type of cancer she had very rare form of cancer and after that, as though I had been very successful. I was planning on retiring at 50 years old. Unfortunately, the real estate market took a huge turn south. And the one thing that I had going in my favor was in my entire life. Two things were in the background, aviation and real estate. And I started real estate when I was 19 years old and learned everything I could learn about it. But in 2007, when the real estate market crashed, when the mortgage bubble burst, and myself, along with many people in this country, lost a great deal, if not everything, and I lost everything. It was my only source of income. So at 50 years old, I found myself depressed after losing a son. clinically depressed after losing my wife, losing my business, homeless, foreclosed, I had 11, foreclosures, homeless, foreclosed, bankrupt, unemployed, and clinically depressed, it was a difficult time in my life.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Is there any picture that could be any darker than that? I mean, you’ve painted, it reminds me of so many years ago, and it may have been even silent movies. I’m not sure. But there were. There was a classic movie the perils of Pauline. And if you’ve ever heard of that our our viewers and listeners have everything that imaginable could happen happened to Pauline. And certainly this was the case with you. So you were in the darkest time that a person could have what what was your next step? What what did you do to communicate your way back to success?

Dr. Mark Zupo
Well, coincidentally, your quote at the beginning, excuse me of our conversation, tells it all communication was one of the things that I have left after everything else has been taken away, I was able to communicate. And I knew as long as I could do that, I can certainly talk my way back to some form of success just by being communicative, and trying to build relationships again. Unfortunately, I lost many relationships after 2007. But as an aviation enthusiast, and aviation, again, has been my passion as well as real estate, real estate gave me the opportunity to study aviation. And the one very important than almost singularly critical skill to have an aviation is communication. And it was through that, that I was able to learn not only the language of aviation, but the language of business and use that as best I could to, to communicate and build relationships with people that might help me get out of the hole that I was in and start to achieve again,

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
what was your experience and, and aviation mark?

Dr. Mark Zupo
Well, interestingly, when I was young, also, when I was 20 years old, I did not have a degree, but I wanted to be a pilot in the worst kind of way Actually, I wanted to be an astronaut. And as a funny sideline, I applied to NASA to be an astronaut. And I was for three days. From the day they got my my request to be an astronaut till three days later, when they sent me the know you’re not going to be an astronaut letter.

But, but being an aviation there are many things to learn. And the first is discipline.

I learned discipline, I learned situational awareness, which is critical in business nowadays, you have to know where you are in the scheme of things in order to know where you want to be, and then to work to achieve that goal. But aviation the training has always been crucial to my business, whether I knew it or not. And the leadership training, the commanding training, the communication skills, the human factors, awareness, situational awareness, and those things were critical to me building a business back again from nothing.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
One thing that you wouldn’t know, but I have a twin brother, who has been a commercial pilot, he was with continental Express and people and he’s still flying now instructing and doing some flying. And one of the things that he and I talked about one time, and I’m sure this is has been very valuable for you, and it’s valuable for everybody who wants to communicate effectively, and to have a strong business. Every pilot, of course has a checklist. There’s no way you would crank it up without a checklist. And one of the one of the very first steps Banaras I ever taught mark, years and years ago, I became very involved in studying time management. And so the first seminars I ever did, were on time management. And of course, a big part of that is is your, your checklist? And I’m sure that’s, I would imagine as a, as a highly successful real estate trainer, coach and teacher and guide. I would imagine, checklists are a part of what you do every day.

Dr. Mark Zupo
No question. In fact, I teach when I teach real estate agents, as well as when I teach multi engine flight instruction, the checklist is paramount. And if you think about it, it can certainly be adapted from aviation to business without a checklist, then you don’t have a plan, you have a dream. And the checklist is paramount to making those things happen. I mean, it requires discipline, attitude, camaraderie, leadership, awareness, and the ability to listen. But but you have to have a game plan. And the easiest game plan in the world is the checklist, start here, go there, go there next works really well in business.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Yes, Mark, we have other topics that we’re going to cover. It’s fascinating to hear your bounce back from as as low as an individual could get in my opinion. And we’ll hear more about that. Right after this message.

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Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Mark, I have noticed, of course, as I reviewed your your profile on LinkedIn and became acquainted with the different types of training that you do, it’s apparent to me that you you help people maximize their presence on LinkedIn. That’s that’s a part of what you do with your your real estate agents that you’re training and with business leaders as well. So let’s talk about LinkedIn for a few minutes. One of the points that I’d like to start with is what would you say, in the training that you provide? What are the the most common mistakes that you find people making on LinkedIn, that you advise them not to make and, and give them some alternative ways to, to strengthen their participation in there instead?

Dr. Mark Zupo
Certainly, I love LinkedIn. It’s a great professional platform. And that’s a key point to make this professional platform. There are dynamic dynamic personalities and bountiful talents and highly intelligent people on LinkedIn. So the one key factor is when you present yourself on LinkedIn, just to present yourself, showing your skills, your ability and your education, and to do that your profile needs to be as advanced as it can be. And I think that’s the primary place to start is to present yourself in a way that describes your value describes your, your offer, and describes you in a trustworthy and dependable manner.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
So what are some of the flaws that wasted avoid that you see people blundering their way through LinkedIn? What are some of the the pipe fitters actions? You know, it’s these kinds of practices which don’t reflect well on our brand, our image aren’t even on us personally.

Dr. Mark Zupo
Well, certainly when you have a profile on the internet, on the web, it is an everlasting profile. And so you want it to be professional. You want it to speak the truth. You want it to be valuable, and your value proposition is what people will recognize you for. One of the things is not not failing to listen to other people. This the stories in people’s profiles are absolutely thrilling to read. Sometimes it and you want to, you want to not be exposed in an unprofessional manner, but you certainly want to present yourself in a professional manner as well. So learning to listen to other people to really find out what they need is number one, that’s crucial. And it’s a mistake that most people make, they’re willing to sell themselves on LinkedIn without listening to actually what people want. The second thing is not being open and objective. Certainly, everyone has their own opinion, their own perception, their own views of what’s good, what’s valuable, what’s not what’s political as well. And LinkedIn isn’t a place to talk politics, it’s a place to talk business. And it’s a place to talk professionalism. So making sure that you’re opening objective and not, not failing to be so you know, when, when communicating with other people. The third thing is not is being open to your own critique, if someone sees, so you know, if you stand in the forest, all you see is trees. And unfortunately, you see the ones closest to you, and you judge the whole trees by the one that’s closest to so many times we forget that what other people see isn’t exactly our perception of ourselves. So it’s very, it’s very important to be open to critique, and listen to other people as well so that we, we can maximize our profile.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Those are those are excellent serves. To me, your your first point about listening. So many people go on to LinkedIn. And to them it’s a it’s a broadcast opportunity. It’s, there’s a friend of mine, Jim Curlin, who teaches sales, and Jim says that some people seem to be opera fans, because all they can sing is me, me, me, me. And it’s very important. It’s not just a broadcast, it’s not just presenting ourselves. It’s interaction, as you’re saying, and to interact, you first have to listen to the other person and how I would understood underscore your point about staying away from your own agendas, though, whether it’s politically, ethically, socially, whatever. This is a this is a business spot. And you You definitely are going to weaken your brand, in my judgment, and then my observation, if you get away from that, and one of the things that, that many of us have learned is that if you get into topics, which are going to be extremely controversial and not related to business, you’re not going to change anybody’s opinion. And chances are, you’re going to, you’re going to lose credibility, and you will drive people away.

Dr. Mark Zupo
I agree. I tell people, and I try to practice this myself. I turn off the radio station wi I fm. Yes. What’s in it for me? Yeah. Because it’s not for me, it’s for you. And, and I believe that one of the most valuable things that I’ve ever done is when I continue to take courses for real estate, which are ethics courses. And as a commercial pilot, as a flight instructor, as a real estate broker. Ethics is everything. It’s number one, it I believe that there’s no other no other course that instills develops, motivates and inspires and educates, educates oneself for others, because I believe in people first. And that’s the, that’s the focus that you should have on LinkedIn.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Absolutely. And one of the best tips I got when I first got in to LinkedIn, and I’ll get back to what I said a minute ago about you’re not there to broadcast your yourself and your services. Certainly, they’re there on your profile, and you can make comments and allusions to them at times, but the most valuable way of building your your followers, your connections, your admirers, your advocates, and people who may even become your clients, the best way is to interact with what other people are saying, right?

Dr. Mark Zupo
Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, I believe in delivering value. And the secondary condition is not only to deliver value, but to be sincere about But what you’re getting, and when you’re sincere, it doesn’t. It doesn’t cost anything to build a relationship and to be friendly. And in giving away some of what you know, is crucial, in my opinion to help him build relationships.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
I want to get back to your comment about station wi I fm for many years, when I’ve been directing seminars or giving speeches, I asked the participants, what’s your favorite radio station? And they give out for call letters of different types. And I will look at the group and I’ll say no, that’s not your favorite station? It’s Oh, yes, it is. I said, No, your favorite station might be wi I fm what’s in it for me. And then we make the point. That that’s, that’s the most destructive way to present yourself. And I love what, what I said about you and the introduction, be generous, be genuine, be authentic, and be other centered as well. My three do a great deal of speaking, you do a great deal of training, directing seminars, this is something you’ve you’ve developed very noteworthy skills. And so as a speech coach, I would like to know, what are some of the key points that you cover? When you are when you are speaking to a group? What what what are some of the strategies and, and techniques and maybe preparation and delivery methods that you use yourself?

Dr. Mark Zupo
You know, I, no one can tell me that I don’t talk a lot. I love to speak and speaking is a real passion for me. But what I’ve learned in the last number of years speaking is a lot. I’ve learned from a lot of people as well, good speakers and bad. I’ve learned what not to do, and I’ve learned what to do. But but one of the core focuses one of the things that you even have to pay attention to when you’re speaking to people is is your awareness of self and your awareness of them. It’s not only what you have to say, but it’s what folks want and need to hear as well. So your awareness, your compassion, your mercy and your empathy are crucial when delivering a message to people. Because not only do you want them to understand that you want them to comprehend it, and you want them to feel as though you’re speaking to them individually each and every one. And the first thing is to know your audience, you need to speak to them and not add them. And many speakers do that wrong is they do it the other way around. And that’s not what a good presentation, not what a good speaking platform is for. The second thing is to put yourself in their shoes. No matter what the subject, no matter what the business or the people that you’re talking to. It isn’t my point of view, that’s important. It’s their point of view, that’s important. And I firmly believe that. So it’s their point of view that you need to address when you’re talking to it acknowledging one’s position in life in relationship to everyone else. I use a lot of self effacing humor, and I talk to groups. And I do that for a reason. Because it shows it helps to show that I’m just as human as they are. And I have the same bills to pay. And I have the same kids to train cars to fix and house to maintain as everybody else. And because I’m on stage and I’m the guy with the microphone doesn’t mean I’m any different than anybody in the audience. And I truly believe that. When when you speak to people, you have to respond passionately to educating and inspire them. Folks can watch the news any day of the week, anytime of the day. And it’s almost never good. And that’s unfortunate. But if you want to inspire people to their own personal greatness, their own personal development, then you have to be passionate about the message that you’re going to deliver. It has to be true, it has to be meaningful. And it has to be a value to them specifically so that when they leave, they say I swear he was talking just just to me. And part of that as well is building a relationship with people. It’s absolutely important to build a relationship with them again, they have to know that you are a genuine person with the same problems and the same emotions as them and helps move people to action to improve and seek out their own personal development. There are many more nuances to speaking to people and but I believe those are the key concentrations And those are the ones that focus on when I speak to people.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Those are great, great points and it brings to mind for me on your point where you’re talking about just because you’re a speaker doesn’t make you an incredible authority, you need to keep that humility. It reminds me so much of Edward R. Murrow. Many people of today’s era might not know who Edward R. Murrow was, but he was a a famed radio correspondent during World War Two. And then of course, became a television personality afterwards. And Edward R. Murrow was revered and the broadcasting industry he had a group of people such as Charles Kuralt, and others who were on their way up. And they would gather at a bar late in the day in New York City, and Mara’s boys, as they were called, there was one statement that I’ve heard quoted many times he said to them, I want you to recognize that because you can speak to millions of people now doesn’t make you any smarter than you were, before, you could speak to two or three people and our age of technology and our age of the internet. And our age, when our audience is not just those people, we happen to be standing before whether it’s 200, or 500, or 600 or 35 people, we’ve got a worldwide audience. But that point you made I want to, to give special emphasis to the power to communicate with the world doesn’t make us any smarter. In fact, it challenges us doesn’t it to become as well informed as we can?

Dr. Mark Zupo
Absolutely. You know, it’s it doesn’t matter how many degrees you have, or experience you have or how worthy you are worthy you are. There are times when my kids asked me a question, and I looked at them and go, I don’t know. But I’ll find out.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
And that’s a good thing to say to adults as well. Yes, really, Mark, this has been fascinating, informative, and inspiring. I know that our best communication show viewers and listeners will want to know more about you, and particularly your contact information. So please share that with us now.

Dr. Mark Zupo
Thank you, I appreciate that. You can certainly reach me at my website, Mark zuko.com, or My office number at 844-257-7653. And if none of those work, just google me. I’m all over the internet.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
And get all Google good old Google. Thank you for that. And I I encourage anyone who wants to improve their communication skills to get in touch with Mark a guy who came from the depths of despair despondency and debt. And that’s pretty good combination describing it and came back to to be at the top of the business world and have great respect among all those who know him. And now that Mark has given his contact information. I’m delighted to give mine invite you to go to my YouTube channel, go to the search bar on youtube I and then just type in my my moniker there, which on YouTube is Bill Lampton PhD. And when you go there, I have a brief introductory video, watch that and at the end of it, there’s a subscribe button, hit that subscribe button, you’ll have access not only to this interview, but to probably about 75 other interviews on the business communication showbiz communication show and also many individual instruction videos as well. And then of course, I encourage you to go to my website. Since I’m the biz communication guy, that’s my moniker. The website is biz communication. guy.com You’ll find out about my services for corporations and individuals. Then after you’ve done that, please give me a phone call 678316430 I am eager to talk with you and initial call with no obligation, eager to talk with you about your communication challenges and We’ll discuss how I can help you find solutions to them. Mike, before we go, any closing comments to pull all this together for us?

Dr. Mark Zupo
No, I actually have a moniker as well. It’s the right message the right people at the right time. So be kind, be genuine, be generous build relationships and always put people before profit. Thank you very much for having me on bill.

Bill Lampton Ph.D.
Thank you so much. And we’ll look forward to another time down the line when we can do this again. Thanks very much to those of you who joined us on the video portion of the biz communication show. Thank you for those listening to us on the podcast. Be with us for our next edition of the biz communication Show. I’m your host, Bill Lampton the biz communication guy

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