You are a leader—or definitely on your way to becoming one. Let’s consider some of your most vital
communication challenges…the ones that will make or break your career.
–You SPEAK many times a month: department meetings, sales calls, staff retreats, board sessions, civic clubs and your professional associations.
–You yearn for VIDEO CHARISMA—being comfortable and compelling on camera for Webinars, Wesbites, YouTube and podcasts.
–You wrestle with the “Imposter Syndrome,” so you yearn for SELF CONFIDENCE that dramaticallyincreases your competence.

–Your inadequate LISTENING habits damage your learning, networking, supervision and teamwork.

–You wish your employees felt free to give candid, CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, without fear of

–You want STAFF TRAINING that builds teamwork and morale.
–You want a dynamic KEYNOTE SPEAKER/SEMINAR LEADER/EMCEE for your retreats and

Among the corporations on my top-tier consulting/coaching/speaking client list:
Ritz-Carlton Cancun
Ritz-Carlton Dearborn
Missouri Bar
British Columbia Legal Management Association
Oceania Cruises (Enrichment Lecturer)
Celebrity Cruises (Enrichment Lecturer)
PGA Tour broadcaster for the Atlanta Classic
University of Georgia Athletic Association
Georgia Power Company
Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce
Procter & Gamble

So if you’re looking for “winning words and ways” that will transform your leadership skills, call me,
the “Biz Communication Guy.”
Call me: 678-316-4300